How student leadership is changing our respect culture.

This year, Newton College formed it´s,´Respect Committee´ in order to develop an even stronger  culture of respect as one of our ten Newton Characteristics. These are competencies and values that we all want our students to develop in their time at the school, to prepare them for an uncertain future.  

The committee is a student-led initiative The group is open to all students and staff and is currently made up of volunteer students, our Psychologist, Head of English, Head of Secondary, and our Headteacher.

This year we have reviewed our scheme of learning for the tutorial programme to ensure that students in secondary school get better at understanding and challenging a range of discrimination found in daily life. We also delivered an assembly illustrating some of the bias people in our community can experience and ways to challenge it. 

It also supports one of our BIG THREE learning improvement targets… 

60% of students and their families feel that they have engaged in dialogue and decision-making based upon improving learning, including social and emotional learning and well-being. (3b,c,d)

We are planning more assemblies and a video as well as student surveys and workshops to better understand and respond to any discrimination our community faces.