Welcome to Family Academy, the continuous learning platform designed to bring us even closer to the fundamental pillars of our school community: parents, students, and teachers. In a world where educational technology has become indispensable, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, we recognise the importance of providing resources and knowledge to navigate effectively in this ever-evolving digital environment.
The Innovation Team at Newton College has conceived Family Academy with the aim of offering parents, students, and teachers a unique opportunity to get informed and learn about the use of various technologies present in our educational institution. Our platform provides a wide range of resources, from informative material to short training videos, as well as webinars and other interactive formats.
Moreover, we would like to turn this platform into a space where all members of our community can express their needs and suggestions. We want to collaboratively build content that is of interest and meets your requirements.
We are excited about this initiative and hope you find Family Academy a valuable tool to enhance your technological skills and stay informed about the latest developments in education. As always, we are at your disposal for any queries or suggestions you may have. Welcome to this new experience of continuous learning at Newton College!