If you studied at Newton College, we would love to hear from you. We are expanding our network of former students to help maintain and renew old friendships.
Please come and see us at our school. Drop by one day or turn up at any of our activities. Let’s take a trip down memory lane!

If you are a Newton former student, we hope you tell us where do you live now and what do you do currently, or what do you study. We are certain that future graduates and parents who wish to know what happens after Newton College, will be pleased to read your experiences after completing your studies in our school.

We ask you to please send us a high quality photo, your name, year, contact details and a text in which you tell us about you, to the following email address:

If you prefer, you could fill in this form:

We will be happy to hear from you!




MYP: NEWTON average mark: 4.3 (out of 7)
WORLDWIDE Average mark: 4.3 (out of 7)
100% pass rate



NEWTON´s average mark: 34.38 (out of 45)

NEWTON´s highest mark: 44 (out of 45)

WORLDWIDE average mark: 4.64 (out of 7)


NEWTON´s average mark: 8.040 (out of 10)

NEWTON´s highest mark: 9.760 (out of 10)

Average mark:7.294 (out of 10)